I had also heard that they do not adhere very well and should be undercoated with a similar colour from another manufacturer. One thing on your side is that many armor details are stock fixtures common to a variety of vehicles, things like sighting equipment, lights, tools, periscopes, and radio equipment. Hermes Tote Bag White. The model builds into a superbly detailed early production M4 version of the mortar carrier, and not surprisingly uses the M2/ M2A1 base kit with the addition of an extra 32 parts. These markings then remained in use on Hurricanes for the rest of the war applied in the correct Sky colour. Hermes Tote Bag White. Their solution, which works for us, too, was to apply a different pattern around surface projections such as rivets and vision ports, usually a circle or border. However, he told me that he had not actually done any modelling for years because he lived in a small flat and did not have enough space.