Start the thread roughly halfway down the hook shank or where you will want the abdomen to end. And of course, not all captains are blessed (or cursed) with the ability to write articles or have a mouth the size of Wyoming like me. Gucci Shops In Ras Al Khaimah UAE. Simply staying in one spot, nose into the current, imposes an increased energetic demand when flows are at spring peak. You will notice from the photograph that I have cut the tube in half; do this if you find it easier to work with, or if it does not slide far enough onto the holder. Gucci Shops In Ras Al Khaimah UAE. Woolly Buggers, Crystal Buggers, and their many variations imitate many bass foods, not closely but well enough to catch large fish. We fished these flies with relatively fast and steady retrieves—just like swimming worms. Gucci Shops In Ras Al Khaimah UAE.