If you’re interested in increasing your trout-fishing abilities, you’ll want to learn about these methods, the tackle, and the flies. My most recent experience with the original Pheasant-Tail Nymph came on my home waters: the Deschutes River, which is a broad, brawling beast where I rarely find application for a small nymph. Gucci Galaxy Blue. Shane Stalcup has sold fairly realistic-looking damselfly bodies and eyes, and a host of other materials designed to make wing cases and legs. The thrashing, crashing, water-splashing battle with a bass on the surface ranks in excitement with any moment in fishing. Gucci Galaxy Blue. Apply dubbing wax to the thread, and touch a bundle of dubbing to the waxed area. I used the basic components of the classic salmon fly and modified them to represent different jazz musicians. Gucci Galaxy Blue.