I then go on to explain how this same principle can be applied to the ground under one's feet, thus creating a "cushion" of static electricity which, if done properly, can actually enable a person to levitate off the ground for a few moments. Justice, where is thy dwelling place? Our poor little finned friends deserve better than I’m about to give them, for now I intend to use this same notion to plumb the depths of the stream as well. Gucci High Tops Black. This is sight fishing at its best, and flies need to be three to four inches long, slow sinking, and totally weedless. The braid, which is just under the outer shell on the belly, makes the pattern durable against the teeth of bluefish, pike, and similar fly-shredding critters. Gucci High Tops Black. Over the years, companies have introduced products designed to replace the various parts we fastidiously tie onto our flies: legs, antennae, wing cases, and the like. Unwind the excess herl, tie it off behind the hook eye, and clip the excess. Gucci High Tops Black.