By the time we’re done, I think you’ll give the ladies more respect, and see the key contributions they make to tying quality fish-catching flies. Toronto-based videographer Eric Wiseman made six or seven perfect swings through the water with his own pattern called Eric’s Ugly Leech. Gucci Medium Dark Blue Handbag. To lighten the drag, bend the bobbin arms out a bit to reduce the pressure on the thread spool; later, you can bend the arms in when you switch back to heavier thread. They caught fish not necessarily because of the way their flies looked, but because of the way they fished them. Gucci Medium Dark Blue Handbag. Stop in mid-air and rotate a bit as you mention that they'd reposition the cameras on the other side of the fence before the landing. I have even created floating Flex Fleyes to catch many surface-feeding predators. Gucci Medium Dark Blue Handbag.