The Mighty Mo is also known for caddisfly hatches of biblical proportions. Have the spectator name his card then turn over the card on top of the other pile to reveal it. Gucci North South Tote. Brass and color-anodized wire wrapped as an abdomen or rib are common on glass bead-headed midge patterns, both for fishing tailwaters and fast spring flows. For Phil and me, the development of Stillwater Solutions was meant to shorten the learning curve for new stillwater anglers. Gucci North South Tote. The trout want a midge presented vertically instead of at an angle, and I can do this with a floating line, long leader, and strike indicator. Wrap the stripped hackle stem counter-clockwise up the wing post, and then wrap the unstripped section of the feather down the post; the hackle parachute should begin with the first wrap down the post. Gucci North South Tote.